we summarize every wonderful but aggravating episode of AMC's The Walking Dead (yay zombies!) in two simple sentences


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A Two-Sentence Summary of Every Episode of The Walking Dead

This December 21st, 2012 nonsense usually doesn't bother me, but every now and then you meet someone who is totally buys into this apocalypse crap.

I mean, the Internet is a graveyard of failed end of the world-prediction websites. It's actually quite entertaining to dig them up and go through them, finding a lot of the same fervor and speculation as we're hearing about now with the December 21st, 2012 hullabaloo.

Anyway, I encourage you to do your reading on December 21st 2012 and the the whole pile of apocalypse lit, though I encourage you evaluate your sources. If your source is trying to sell you shit, if it's trying to convince you to join a cause or come to an event, if its grasp of website design clearly precedes the 1990s, or if it regularly uses ALL CAPS or more than three exclamation marks to punctuate a single point (!!!!!!), then avoid that shit like the plague.

You might start reading on NASA's page about December 21st, 2012.