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"The name's Derby"

So it turns out that the parking lot we were using for this shoot is government-owned and security-patrolled. Oopsie! We got kicked out and had finish the shoot elsewhere (we chose a building with a similar texture). As always, our policy was to cheerfully cooperate with security and be on our merry way, which is why panels 4 and 5 are from a different location altogether. We photomagicked to not have swathes of grass in them. Another security guard came by when we were shooting in the new location, so we stalled the shoot and tried ineffectively to look unsuspicious (we were actually very nice, cooperative people). He passed by us without any comment.

You can read a little more about issues with security in this production blog post.

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Little Worlds is a free "dreampunk" photographic novel of grit, decay, and dark fantasy. The proceeds from this comic's store and advertising will go to Free the Children, a charity for international development. Thanks for your support!